Monday 2 June 2014


Fashion, the word itself attracts every individual towards it. Fashion has a distinctive place in our life organization. Formerly, fashion spread and changed slowly, but in the modern days they spread and change with each blink of eyes, by the means of rapid communication. We feel satisfied and confident with the uniformity and periodic change in style which fashion imposes. But if we do not comply with fashion, we are uneasy, uncomfortable and we lack confidence while moving forward. Fashion not only satisfies our desire for novelty, confidence and good look; it also satisfies our demand for conformity. To be in fashion is to be noticed by everyone. To capture attention will be easy for you if you are fashion friendly. Thus, without any doubt we can say that fashion affects all the group within a community.

Do you know what does the word fashion applies to ? Fashion applies to the matters regarding dress, accessories, personal adornment and decoration, house decoration and furniture, manner of speech, popular music, literature, and art which are more or current. It influences our "behavior" and "attitude". One of the most important aspect of fashion is "personality". IF you can carry this features of fashion positively, you care indeed fashionable. So we should take best case and concern that our style is not ridiculous and awkward. It should be socially approved where you are representing a new trend. So , we can say, fashion is also a collective phenomenon.

Fashion also prescribes a style, not a uniform. When we dress in a new type of style, socially accepted, it results fashion. Whatever style of clothing you adopt or however style of clothing you adopt or however you behave, it should be either popular at that time or should be attractively stylish. Women who are perfectly made up and fashionable dressed are identified as one of the elite. In the some way men can indirectly display their financial status through there dress and way of conversation. So, be stylish, keep positive attitude, look fashionable. Keep in mind; "Fashion is followed because it is in the fashion."

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